Hey I currently have the following code which I have used to generate a grid model within the controller class for my page:
private GridModel GetGridModel(IEnumerable<TimelineViewModel> timelineVMs) { var model = new TimelineViewModel();
GridModel gridModel = new GridModel(); gridModel.ID = "gridModel"; gridModel.AutoGenerateColumns = false; gridModel.AutoGenerateLayouts = false; gridModel.PrimaryKey = "ID"; gridModel.LoadOnDemand = false; gridModel.Width = "100%"; gridModel.Columns = new List<GridColumn>() { new GridColumn() { HeaderText = model.GetDisplayName(nameof(TimelineViewModel.ID)), Key = nameof(TimelineViewModel.ID), DataType = "string", Width = "5%", Hidden = true}, new GridColumn() { HeaderText = model.GetDisplayName(nameof(TimelineViewModel.EquipmentType)), Key = nameof(TimelineViewModel.EquipmentType), DataType = "string", Width = "10%"}, new GridColumn() { HeaderText = model.GetDisplayName(nameof(TimelineViewModel.SubType)), Key = nameof(TimelineViewModel.SubType), DataType = "string", Width = "10%" }, new GridColumn() { HeaderText = model.GetDisplayName(nameof(TimelineViewModel.CurrentInstallation)), Key = nameof(TimelineViewModel.CurrentInstallation), DataType = "string", Width = "10%" }, new GridColumn() { HeaderText = model.GetDisplayName(nameof(TimelineViewModel.StartDate)), Key = nameof(TimelineViewModel.StartDateString), DataType = "string", Width = "15%" }, new GridColumn() { HeaderText = model.GetDisplayName(nameof(TimelineViewModel.EndDate)), Key = nameof(TimelineViewModel.EndDateString), DataType = "string", Width = "15%" }, new GridColumn() { HeaderText = model.GetDisplayName(nameof(TimelineViewModel.DayRate)), Key = nameof(TimelineViewModel.DayRate), DataType = "string", Width = "10%" }, new GridColumn() { HeaderText = model.GetDisplayName(nameof(TimelineViewModel.ClientPONumber)), Key = nameof(TimelineViewModel.ClientPONumber), DataType = "string", Width = "20%" }, new GridColumn() { HeaderText = model.GetDisplayName(nameof(TimelineViewModel.WebConfirmed)), Key = nameof(TimelineViewModel.WebConfirmed), DataType = "string", Width = "10%" }, };
gridModel.DataSourceUrl = this.Url.Action("GetCategoriesData"); gridModel.DataSource = timelineVMs.AsQueryable();
gridModel.Features.Add(new GridHiding()); gridModel.Features.Add(new GridFiltering() { Type = OpType.Local, Inherit = true, Persist = false }); gridModel.Features.Add(new GridSorting() { Type = OpType.Local, Inherit = true, Persist = false }); gridModel.Features.Add(new GridPaging() { Type = OpType.Local, Inherit = true, PageSize = 5 }); gridModel.Features.Add(new GridResponsive() { EnableVerticalRendering = false, });
return gridModel; }
I was wondering what code needs to be added to allow certain columns to be editable, the documentation on this particular issue seems to be somewhat lacking (as i can only find samples of making columns editable when the grid is created within the view / the only sample of code that shows how to generate a grid within the controller doesn't mention anything about adding the ability to edit columns).cheers!
Hello Callum,
In order to make certain column editable or readonly, you should define Updating feature in the GridModel and column settings for the columns that you want to make readonly, for example:
GridUpdating updating = new GridUpdating(); ColumnUpdatingSetting colSetting = new ColumnUpdatingSetting(); colSetting.ColumnKey = "Name"; colSetting.ReadOnly = true; updating.ColumnSettings.Add(colSetting); model.Features.Add(updating);
GridUpdating updating = new GridUpdating();
ColumnUpdatingSetting colSetting = new ColumnUpdatingSetting();
colSetting.ColumnKey = "Name";
colSetting.ReadOnly = true;
Rest of the columns will be editable.
Please let me know if you have further questions.
I see. Let me know if you have further questions regarding this subject.
Best regards,Martin PavlovInfragistics, Inc.
Hey Martin thank you for the reply.Due to the lengthy amount of time it took to get a response I decided to rebuild the grid within the view where the edit functionality is now working.
From what I understand you're unable to enter edit mode in all cases.
The client side error: "infragistics.lob.js:500 Uncaught Error: The specified record or property was not found. Verify the criteria for your search and adjust them if necessary." explains that and is most probably caused by a data type mismatch between the primary key data type and the declared data type of the column when declared in the columns collection. In the column collection you declare the "ID" column as string, so the data should be string as well.
Can you send me the output of the following JavaScript please.
Thanks in advance,Martin PavlovInfragistics, Inc.