Hi there, I've updated my project from IgniteUI 14.1 to 16.1, and JQuery from 1.7.2 to 1.9.1.
In my grid, on the second level, I use the "iggridupdatingeditcellstarted " event to check if the new value is negative, and handle that, as such:
// Get current Row
var row = ui.owner.grid.dataSource.dataView()[ui.owner._rowIndex];
// Calculate new balance
var balance = row.transfer_size_qty - ui.value
// If it will go negative, set to intransit_size_qty
if (balance < 0)
{ ui.value = row.intransit_size_qty; }
In 14.1, this code worked but since updating to 16.1 I get "JavaScript runtime error: Unable to get property 'transfer_size_qty' of undefined or null reference"
In Intellisense, I get "row.intransit_size_qty", but not "row.transfer_size_qty" coming up, yet they both seem to be correctly defined in the grid and the model.
If I add: alert(row.transfer_size_qty) after " var row = ..." its then recognized, but if I remove it, its gone again.
Any ideas what could be causing this?
Thanks Deon
Hello Deon,
Thank you for contacting Infragistics!
I have done looking into this matter and it seem like ui.owner._rowIndex does not exist anymore so you are unable to use it. Note it is not recommend to use internal methods/members (marked by a leading “_”) as they could possibly change between versions. Instead you would want to use the public methods/members. To get the cell value for comparing/using I would instead recommend using the getCellValue method:
var cellValue = $("#grid1").igGrid("getCellValue", ui.rowID, “ProductQty”);
Hi Mike,
Thanks for your response. This did resolve the original error.
However, I am now getting the error as described in this link: https://es.infragistics.com/community/forums/f/ignite-ui-for-javascript/87874/cannot-update-a-cell-after-while-updating-other-cell---editing-grid.
Calling the statement you provides causes that error, and the grid no longer responds - I cannot collapse/expand rows, or click in any more cells. if I remove that line of code, the grid behaves as it should.
Any ideas on how to resolve this?