I'm experiencing problems with populating data in my IgGrid when I want to consume a WebApi service.
I have the following in my Angular2 component
getAllClientGroups() {
this.clientService.getClientGroup(0) .subscribe(groups => { this.clientGroups1 = groups;
}, err => { console.log(err); }); }
and I put this.clientGroups1 in my datasource for the IgGrid:
this.gridOptions = { autoCommit: true, width: "100%", height: "400px", autoGenerateColumns: false,dataSource : this.clientGroups1, columns: [ { key: "id", headerText: "Id", width: "50px", dataType: "number" }, { key: "code", headerText: "Code", width: "250px", dataType: "string" }, { key: "description", headerText: "Omschrijving", width: "250px", dataType: "string" } ], primaryKey: "id" ] }
But nothing is showing in my IgGrid. What do I have to do to get this working?
Ok I solved the problem my self. The thing I had to do was to call my datasource in my call. So like this:
getAllClientGroups() { this.clientService.getClientGroup(0) .subscribe(groups => { this.gridOptions.dataSource = groups; }, err => { console.log(err); }); }
and then in my gridoptions set the datasource to an empty array like this:
dataSource: []
I'm happy that I have finally found the solution. Please document this somewhere in the angular2 documentation.
I'm glad you've found the solution. And you are right about the documentation. We've already had that question.
So I created an issue in github for creating a sample to demonstrate it.