how can connect to sql server the pivot grid view, is this possible?, I'm using php connection :)
Hello Joan,
It fails on the OPTIONS request, but what's strange is that the request lasted for 42 secs before aborting. I haven't seen such error, so I don't know what the problem is. What I can suggest you is to try re-configuring msmdpump.dll using the following topic: "Configuring IIS for Cross-Domain OLAP Data (igOlapXmlaDataSource)".
Best regards,Martin PavlovInfragistics, Inc.
Hi, I have checked the network tab in firebug from mozilla firefox, this is ok?, I attached the screenshot, and I don't use the windows/basic authentication, I am using the anonymous authentication.
any advice?
I'm not sure why you get this error. Can you check the browser's network tab to see the HTTP status code that is returned by the msmdpump.dll?
Another question. Are you using windows/basic authentication or not?
Thanks in advance,Martin PavlovInfragistics, Inc.
Thank you Martin, following step by step the documentation, I have set the configuration for the msmdpump.dll, but I try load the file index.html by browser and this shows this message:
uncaught exception: Exception occurred during task execution
and this doesn't work :(
my script is as follow:
$.support.cors = true;
$(function () { $("#pivotView").igPivotView({ dataSourceOptions: { xmlaOptions: { serverUrl: '', catalog: 'PBI_0000_AS', cube: 'PMM Cube' } } }); });
I use the same script with your cube example then this works!
$(function () {$("#pivotView").igPivotView({dataSourceOptions: { xmlaOptions: { serverUrl: '', catalog: 'Adventure Works DW Standard Edition', cube: 'Adventure Works' } }});});
however, if I try connect with Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio by this works fine, and I can browsing it!
can you help me please?
If you have only SQL Server (and not SQL Server Analysis Services) then your option is to serialize the data in JSON using PHP and then feed the igPivotView. Here is a sample that demonstrates this scenario:
If you have SQL Server Analysis Services instance you can configure msmdpump.dll for http access. Then wire up the igPivotView to use the msmdpump.dll as demonstrated in this sample:
Hope this helps,Martin PavlovInfragistics, Inc.