how can connect to sql server the pivot grid view, is this possible?, I'm using php connection :)
Hi Martin
I try to run your example but I have a error message:
Error: cannot call methods on igPivotGrid prior to initialization; attempted to call method 'grid'
This is my script:
$("#pivotView").igPivotView({ dataSourceOptions: { xmlaOptions: { serverUrl: '', catalog: 'PBI_0000_AS', cube: 'PMM Cube' } } ,gridOptions: { features: [ { name: "Resizing", allowDoubleClickToResize: true } ] }});
$($("#pivotView").igPivotGrid("grid").element).igGridResizing("resize", 1, "60px");
I want know what is wrong :(
Thanks for your help.
Hello Joan,
The configurations are ignored because all of the options: "alowCellAreaResizing", "allowColumnResizing", "allowDoubleClickToSize", "allowMultipleColumnResize", "minColumnWidth" are not valid gridOptions. If you want to configure "Resizing" feature you should use the igGridResizing API. For example if you want to enable double-click to auto-size column use the following configuration:
gridOptions: {
features: [
name: "Resizing",
allowDoubleClickToResize: true
If you want to dynamically resize column you can use the igGridResizing.resize API method.
In the context of the igPivotGrid the API call will look like this:
$($("#pivotGrid").igPivotGrid("grid").element).igGridResizing("resize", 1, "60px");
where "#pivotGrid" is the ID of the igPivotGrid placeholder.
Note that the second parameter is a number which denotes the index of the column that you want to resize. The column in the igPivotGrid are dynamic so you should use indexes instead of column keys.
Best regards,Martin PavlovInfragistics, Inc.
Hi Martin, thanks, exists one option than it can work dynamicly? this is my script, but this is my script, but this ignores all possible configurations.
$.support.cors = true;$(function(){ $("#pivotView").igPivotView({ dataSourceOptions: { xmlaOptions: { serverUrl: '', catalog: 'PBI_0000_AS', cube: 'PMM Cube' } }, gridOptions : { alowCellAreaResizing: true, allowColumnResizing: "Indicator", allowDoubleClickToSize: true, allowMultipleColumnResize: true, minColumnWidth: 200, features: [ { name: "Resizing" } ] } }); });
can you help me please?
Hello Juan,
You can use the gridOptions.defaultColumnWidth option for that. What is important to note is that it sets one and the same width for all the columns.
Here is an example code:
gridOptions : {
defaultColumnWidth: "150px"
Hi Martin, I had to reconfigurate the IIS, and I had the same problem, but in this process, I discovered that the problem was the domain name depending if I am in the lan or out of lan, then I did testing from outside and it works! :)
but, I can't expand the width of columns, and I can't see the cells values, is posible do this?