In latest 2015.2 version activerowchanged event is getting called even when you click outside of grid. This is called due to focusout event which is new in 2015.2. I think activerowchanged should be called when someone is changing the active row on grid.
See attached example.
Hello Manish,
The latest versions of 15.1 and 15.2 contain a number of improvements to our WAI-ARIA support. A part of this is the ability to focus each individual row/cell so that screen readers can read its role and contents. With this in mind it didn't make much sense to leave the existing activation behavior separate so we instead tied it to the focused element. When the end-user clicks outside the grid the focus is lost and the active element is cleared, firing activeRowChanged/activeCellChanged in the process. This is the intended behavior for the latest versions of the product.
Could you please give me more information about your use-case and how this change makes it harder/impossible to implement? I could probably help you with a workaround if this is the case.
Best regards,
Stamen Stoychev
on ActiveRowChanged we call web service to load some data in accordion on screen. So soon as user open accordion to see data it calls another web service call ( call ActiveRowChanged again) which result into performance issues.
This works fine when user select something outside the grid. But lets say I have one row selected in grid and now I select another row . Event focus out is called when i select another row and that trigger active row changed event . ui.owner.activeRow() is not null in this case.
Does activeRowChanged fire twice between user clicks then? I am not sure I understand the problem since activeRowChanged is expected to fire every time the user clicks on a row and therefore focuses/activates it.
Yes it called twice and it happens 10 out of 100 times.When i looked call stack for both of these , one was coming from mouse up event and another was coming focus out event. Whenever call some from focus out event ui.owner.activeRow() still contains last selected row.
I've also noticed it in my tests but it didn't happen nearly as often for me. Could you please let me know which version of jQuery, jQuery UI and on which browser you are testing?
In any case, after the fix the activeRowChanged events coming from focus outs have their row event arguments set to null which means that they are easily distinguishable. The fix will be available in the next SR, or if your development schedule requires it can be provided as an untested build.
I'm using Jquery UI 1.10.4 with Jquery 2.0.3. Could you please let me know the code for to distinguish both ?
With the fix for bug #214181 that was logged for the issue you'll be able to check for ui.row being null when focus out causes the activeRowChanged. A workaround achieving the same behavior will be hard to implement but you can use the following before your grid definition:
$.ig.SelectionCollection.prototype.deactivate = function (suppress) { if (this._requestTrigger("ActivationChanging", true, null)) { this._notify("deactivate"); this.activeElement = null; this._requestTrigger("ActivationChanged", true, null); }}
This will overwrite the default behavior for activeRowChanged to be fired at all on focus out which should achieve your requirements.
I hope this helps!