In Hierarchial Grid if there is only one child item and iam editing the parent at that time the done/cancel button not showing it hides behind the child
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infragistics grid control
I have done some looking into this matter and have logged it for further investigation with our development team. I have created a private case CAS-164751-Y4R2B9 where I will provide you with further information concerning this matter.
In ig Hierarchical grid selection, I need to select multiple item,when i select an item an child from first parent after that i try to select another child of next parent at that time the previous selection automatically deselected can i have a clear solution for that
Note: MultipleSelection i set to true
Thank you for the update. This is a known issue with the grid, please see the following documentation:
i have an issue on the hierarchical grid . while iam adding the items to the grid i try to clear the grid items which is already present at that time after adding the new items when i take the datasource of that grid there comes that deleted items also in the records
Can i have the solution for that to clear the old data..
Thanks in advance
While adding data into child grid need to hide a column in corresponding parent grid
Reg multiple selection of a hierarchical grid is not work around.
The selection of item of different layout will deselect the previous selection.