I am using your infragistic grids in our application currently we are using 2013.1 but planning to update to 2015.1 due to awesome feature of export to excel (kudos to Team for such a nice feature) till 2013.1 we are using export to excel from our backend but due to client demand of exporting grid data with features we are planning to use infragistic for that i have created one POC for that. till now its looks awesome but i stuck to one point i.e our client want to export some other basic details with grid data. for example I want to see grid data in excel but i want to see some application plan details before export data. for your reference i am attaching one exported excel as well as i am also providing JSFiddle of my POC.
can this be possible.
Your response ASAp will be very helpful for me.
Thanks in Advance
Vivek tiwary
Hello Vivek,
Thank you for contacting Infragistics!
You can handle exportEnding, where you can insert a row in the begging of the rows collection. The you can create MergedCellsRegion for the current row and set it's value.
For more refer to the attachment.
Let me know if you need further assistance.
Thanks Denis
That we want if i need anything i will post further comment.
Looking forward for hearing from you.
Hi Denis
After implemented your suggestion i am seeing one problem.
I think so by default exported first row is maked fixed so when we drag vertical scroll bar the grid header will be fixed bu since we have implemented to show other information on first row that first row is getting fixed and header is getting colapsed when we drag vertical scroll bar. is there any way to make first three row fixed.
for your reference attached excel as well as jsfiddle
Thanks in Advanced
Thank you for your patience!
Please refer to the following thread.
You can unfreez the top row by setting panesAreFrozen to false.
is there nay possibilities like if filter is applied on grid, export only filtered data if at all data is distributed in 5 pages.
for example in 8000 data if 3000 is filtered data export all 3000 data only
I think this will help me
is there any other better way.