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Blazor GeographicMap not responding to mouse

When I create a simple GeographicMap in a Blazor client I am get no response to the mouse or the mouse wheel when trying to zoom or pan the map.  I am running the following simple page using version 20.1.6 and the lack of response occurs in both netcore 3.1 and in .Net5 rc2.

@page "/counter"
@inject IIgniteUIBlazor IgniteUIBlazor;

<GeographicMap Width="1000px" Height="800px" Zoomable="true">


@code { protected override void OnInitialized()

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  • 34690
    Verified Answer
    Offline posted

    Hello Richard,

    My team and I have done an initial review of this post, and in order to use the mouse interactions, you need to register the DataChartInteractivityModule in your Blazor application. This module will allow mouse interactions in the map.

    Please let me know if you have any other questions or concerns on this matter.

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