I have spent several hours (several!) trying to find a answer to what should be a very very simple thing to accomplish.I am trying out the igDataChart by displaying some sales numbers by the first date of a week. I cannot find how to display the x axis date value is this format MM/dd/yy. The charte is displaying the date as long hand as possible. I am extremely frustrated that there is no help for such a simple common thing. Please end my frustration and provide me with a resolution to this simple matter.. The following is part of my my cart code in ASP.NET MCV Razor. The cart displays the correct data but the x axis labels are a joke @(Html.Infragistics().DataChart(Model.OrderWeeklySales.AsQueryable()) .ID("chart") .AlignsGridLinesToPixels(true) .VerticalZoomable(true) .HorizontalZoomable(true) .OverviewPlusDetailPaneVisibility(Visibility.Collapsed) .Legend(legend => legend.ID("dataLegend")) .Height("400px") .Width("100%") //.Width("900px") .Title("Weekley Sales by Product") .Subtitle("") .Axes(axis => { axis .CategoryX("xAxis") //.Label(item => item.Week) //.Label(item => Convert.ToDateTime(String.Format("{0:MM/dd/yy}", item.FirstDateOfWeek)).Date.ToString()) //.Label(item => String.Format(item.FirstDateOfWeek.ToString(), "MM/dd/yy")) .Label(item => item.FirstDateOfWeek) //.Label(item => String.Format("{0:MM/dd}", item.FirstDateOfWeek)) //.FormatLabel("MM/dd/yy") //.FormatLabel(String.Format("{0:MM/dd/yy}", Model.FirstDateOfWeek)) .Title("Week Of") //.LabelAngle(45) //.TitleAngle(90) .LabelLocation(AxisLabelsLocation.OutsideBottom) .Interval(1).LabelLocation(AxisLabelsLocation.OutsideBottom) .StrokeThickness(2) .MajorStroke("#f4f4f4") .MinorStrokeThickness(1); axis .NumericY("yAxis") //.MinimumValue(0) //.MaximumValue(100) .Title("Quantity Sold"); })
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