I am using angular infragistics^17.0.2 for my application and its having strange behavior. I have Igx-grid in my page and it has width 266px but still scroll bar is not coming at any cost but if i open any popup and close it out, the scroll bar is coming. I don't know what causing it. I have tried all workaround to set scroll bar explicitly but it has no fixed header and after open-close popup one more scroll bar is coming.
Can you please help me to fix this issue.
Note: it was working fine with previous version(11) but not in current version.
<div class="col-12 p-1 flex-column first_child flexContent1"> <div class="location-grid"> <igx-grid #ClearanceLocationGrid id="ClearanceLocationGrid" [autoGenerate]="false" [data]="validatedLocations" [rowSelection]="'multiple'" (rowSelectionChanging)="onLocationGridRowSelectionChange($event)" displayDensity="compact" class="locationGridClass" [primaryKey]="'locationStagingGuid'" [isLoading]="loaderStatus$ | async" (columnInit)="onColumnInit($event)"> <igx-column header="Is Cleared?" field="isCleared" width="100"> <ng-template igxCell let-cell="cell" let-value> <igx-checkbox [checked]="cell.row.data.isCleared" [disabled]="true"> </igx-checkbox> </ng-template> </igx-column> <igx-column header="Key" field="isPrimary" width="50"> <ng-template igxCell let-cell="cell" let-value> <igx-checkbox [checked]="value" (change)="onLocationGridPrimaryKeyChange($event, cell)"> </igx-checkbox> </ng-template> </igx-column> <igx-column header="Address" width="1300" field="streetAddress"> <ng-template igxCell let-cell="cell"> <span *ngIf="cell.row.data.streetAddress !== null"> {{ cell.row.data.streetAddress }}, </span> <span *ngIf="cell.row.data.city !== null"> {{ cell.row.data.city }}, </span> <span *ngIf="cell.row.data.state !== null"> {{ cell.row.data.state }}, </span> <span *ngIf="cell.row.data.zip !== null"> {{ cell.row.data.zip }} </span> </ng-template> </igx-column> <igx-column header="TIV" field="tiv" width="250" dataType="number"> </igx-column> </igx-grid> </div> </div>
All good now?