I am trying to use the ActionStrip within a pretty basic grid and have an issue with refreshing the grid.
The annoying one is not being able to intercept and confirm a cancel before the deletion is done. I am handling that by storing a copy of the grid data, and then once the default actioinstrip delete is done, asking for a confirmation and if the user selects cancel, copying the copied data back into the variable used by the grid.
let confirm = window.confirm("This will delete this Emial Signature, confirm?");if(confirm) { . . .} else {this.data = this.tempData;}But the grid is not showing the record, even though the this.data variable is showing the proper data when examined while running.Is there a way to force the grid to refresh? this.grid.refreshgridState() without arguments and this.grid.reflow() do nothing for me.
I did find a workaround, but I hate it. I take the event.data and add it back to the data variable. It would be so much better if there were a simple way to intercept and confirm delete before the function actually runs.