I am trying to avoid the resize of splitted pane and i use splitterResizeStart and splitterResizeEnd for it. it invokes when i try to resize . but i am not able to use preventDefault() for preventing the resizing
This is my code
this.dockManager?.nativeElement.addEventListener('splitterResizeEnd', ev => { ev.preventDefault(); });
The event details
isTrusted: false bubbles: true cancelBubble: false cancelable: true composed: true currentTarget: igc-dockmanager.dock-workspace.hydrated defaultPrevented: false detail: null eventPhase: 2 path: (28) [igc-dockmanager.dock-workspace.hydrated, app-dock-workspace, div.dockManagerContent, slot, slot, document-fragment, igc-tab-panel-component#tab-panel-1.hydrated, slot, div.content, document-fragment, igc-tabs-component.hydrated, igc-split-pane-component.sc-igc-split-pane-component-h.sc-igc-split-pane-component-s.hydrated, igc-document-host-component.sc-igc-document-host-component-h.sc-igc-document-host-component-s.hydra…, igc-split-pane-component.sc-igc-split-pane-component-h.sc-igc-split-pane-component-s.hydrated, div.pane-container--horizontal, div.pane-container--vertical, document-fragment, igc-dockmanager.doc-manager-geojit-window.hydrated, div.window-tab-container, app-window-tabs, div.dashboard-align, div.light-theme, app-general-dashboard, app-root, body.igx-typography.ng-tns-0-0, html.hydrated, document, Window] returnValue: true srcElement: igc-dockmanager.dock-workspace.hydrated target: igc-dockmanager.dock-workspace.hydrated timeStamp: 33932.199999999255 type: "splitterResizeEnd"
Hello Nikolay,
Thank you for posting to Infragistics Community!
I was able to reproduce this behavior and after reviewing this with the development team, a discussion around the possibility to cancel the splitterResizeStart event has been initiated. Please, note that it will make more sense to cancel the ‘Start’ event rather than the ‘End’ one. In any case, currently, it seems that canceling either of them has not been implemented yet, so the team will look into it.
I will keep you posted as soon as there is new information on the matter.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Best regards, Bozhidara Pachilova
Thank You Bozhidara Pachilova
I am waiting for your response