I have a column(ContactDate) in an igx-grid which is editable just for part of rows.
To achieve that I use the following code:
In case of edit-mode of the previous cell if 'tab' is pressed my 'ContactDate'-column gets focused.
How to prevent that for cases when the column for the row is not editable?
I use the version 11.1.4
Working example: stackblitz.com/.../github-srbuis-dpvliy
public handleCellEditEnter(event) { if (event.column.field === "ContactDate" && event.rowData.Archived) { event.cancel = true; } }
Thanks for a prompt answer.
There is only one thing I don't understand: provided solution doesn't work for shift-tab.
For some reason prevCell.editMode is false in the case despite it was in the mode.