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Items with long width in igx-drop-down list is not fully highlighted.

When the width of an item in the igx-drop-down is exceeding the dropdown window the highlight is shifting to left. The more we scroll to right of an item the more highlight shifts to left. As per the expectation, the whole item should be highlighted as long as the item width will be.

Please suggest a fix for it.

          <igx-drop-down #dropDown [width]=" '250px' " [maxHeight]=" '200px' ">
                   <igx-drop-down-item *ngFor="let data of lookupData$ | async"  [value]="data" class="drop-down-item">
                    {{ data }}
Parents Reply
  • 740
    Verified Answer
    Offline posted in reply to Minakshi Mitra Kundu

    Hello Minakshi,

    Thank you for getting back to me!

    Please note that the sample demonstrates a possible approach of providing an igxAutocomplete Component to an igxGrid cell when being in edit mode. As you can observe this is handled entirely on application level and there are multiple ways of achieving this. The reason I have provided this sample is to demonstrate a possible approach of showing the igxTooltip when hovering over the igxDropDown items. Please keep in mind that since this behavior is not provided out of the box it has to be implemented on application level as well (there are multiple ways of achieving this).

    PS. As I have already mentioned, according to the igxDropDown Component’s specifications the long list items has to be truncated and a horizontal scrollbar should not appear. The issue I have mentioned in my initial response was related exactly to removing the horizontal scrollbars. Having this in mind in case you want to add such you have to implement it on application level. However, personally I do not recommend this approach.

    As I have already mentioned, both behaviors of showing tooltips or introducing horizontal scrollbars are not provided out of the box and should be handled entirely on application level, which as stated in our policy is beyond the scope of Infragistics Support.

    Best Regards,
    Martin Evtimov
    Associate Software Developer
    Infragistics, Inc.
