I am using two Igx data grid.
Scenario: I have 2 grids, sum of particular columns of two grid should be not greater than 100. In grid1 (grid) and grid2 (grid1), there is a column in each grid with datatype number and that sum should be = 100. How can i achieve the same? If the sum is greater than 100 than toast error should display.
Have attached the sample Stackbliz: https://stackblitz.com/edit/angular-grid-decimal-places?file=src%2Fapp%2Fgrid%2Fgrid-allData-summary%2Fgrid-allData-summary.component.html
Kindly help for the same.
Hello shobhaThanks for contacting us.
I forked your sample and revised a little bit.https://stackblitz.com/edit/angular-grid-decimal-places-byigIs it correct what you want to do? Please confirm and let me know if you have any questions.
Hello Motoki,
This is not i have asked for.
The sum of Price column for grid1 + grid 2 = 100. This is what i am looking for.Also it is not necessary both the grids should have same column name/field Name. But the dataType is number.
Hello shobha
I made another sample.https://stackblitz.com/edit/angular-grid-decimal-places-byig-2This sample gets price column data in both grids and calculates both column's sum. The behavior is fired by editing cells.Please confirm and let me know if you have any questions.
Hello Motoki, Could you please provide a solution ASAP. As this is an ongoing project.