Dear support
We use Ignite for Angular 2019.2.
We also have a commercial license for FontAwesome PRO.
I am not able to use the icons, which I can with plain Angular.
This is not working at all for me:
Event after feeding all the IconDefinitions of a good dozen icons all I see rendered is
<igx-icon _ngcontent-qai-c418="" tabindex="0" ng-reflect-font="fas" ng-reflect-icon-name="home" ng-reflect-router-link="" class="fas home igx-icon" aria-hidden="true" id="igx-icon-1"><!--container--><!--container--><!--container--><!--bindings={ "ng-reflect-ng-template-outlet": "[object Object]"}--></igx-icon>
This are the imports:
I think the issue is that the string you provide for the second param of addSvgIconFromText (coming from the FA icon) is just the path, while the funcion expects the full svg string, including the viewBox (as we don't have any way to assume it for custom icons).
I am attaching a sample that uses a svg template that these values are replaced in. It works for the coffee icon that I tried with but I can't be sure if you will be able to use it without changes for each of the icons you need. If you have any issues with that, you may consider using their fa-icon component as it is built from the ground up to work with the fa svg icons.
Thank you for using Infragistics forums! Please, let me know if I can help you further!
Best regards,
Stamen Stoychev