Based on your sample i can use
Hi Alex,
Thanks for reaching out!In the above scenario, you can access the selected item's text using one of the following approaches:1. Set the item's value to `[value]="selectedOption"` and access it via `dropDown.selectedItem?.value.text`2. With the value input being as is, access the inner text of the selected drop-down item with `dropDown.selectedItem?.element.nativeElement.innerText`You can see both of the above cases in this StackBlitz Example.The drop-down items do not have a specific input for their displayed text, as that is fully templatable and not necessarily only dependent on the `value` object.Hope this was helpful!
Thanks that was somewhat helpful. I could not find any info on that in your docs . So lets say i am using 2 diffrent fields a value and a text in this dropdown where i want to show the user the text but store the value in db which i have covered. How would i go about populating the displayed text when i open an existing form which has this control. If i have a value of 3 for example stored and set the the control to 3 it will show 3 and not the text.