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[igx-spreadsheet] event for cell click in and how to customize for right click cell

Hi team,

i want customize function when click on cell but i don't know igx-spreadsheet have support ?
and how to customize for right cell click, event for format cell like merge cell, color, border cell,...

An example would also be nice.
Thanks in advance

  • 34430
    Offline posted

    Hello Tam Le Van,

    I have been investigating into this post, and at the moment, I’m a little uncertain on exactly what you are looking to achieve in this case?

    From your description, it sounds like you are looking to do something on right-click, although I’m a little bit unsure what. Are you looking to modify the default context menu that shows up on right-click with the igx-spreadsheet, or potentially something else?

    Would it be possible for you to please elaborate a little bit further on what functionality you are looking to achieve with the igx-spreadsheet so I may be able to make a recommendation for you in this case?

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