I was wondering if someone can point out what i am doing wrong or missing as when i use the drop down box which uses rest api on
backed to get its data (which works fine as expected ) cuts off the bttn of the Display text or acts wired.
Any idea how to fix this ?
Here is the Code i am using to create the DropDown<form novalidate [formGroup]="form"> <igx-input-group #inputGroup class="input-group" [igxToggleAction]="dropDown"> <input #input class="input" type="text" igxInput [igxDropDownItemNavigation]="igxDropDown" readonly= "true" placeholder="{{placeholder}}" formControlName="selected" (keydown.ArrowDown)="openDropDown()"/> <label *ngIf="label && label.length" igxLabel>{{label}}</label> <igx-suffix igxButton="icon" class="dropdownToggleButton" igxRipple> <igx-icon *ngIf="igxDropDown.collapsed; else toggleUp" fontSet="material">arrow_drop_down</igx-icon> <ng-template #toggleUp> <igx-icon fontSet="material">arrow_drop_up</igx-icon> </ng-template> </igx-suffix> </igx-input-group> <igx-drop-down #dropDown (onSelection)="onSelection($event)"> <igx-drop-down-item *ngFor="let option of options" [value]="option.value" [isSelected]="option.name === selected.value"> {{ option.name }} </igx-drop-down-item> </igx-drop-down> </form>
Hello Tom,
Looking at the pictures you provided this looks like an issue in our input component. Using the code you provide I have created small sample in StackBlitz here. I was not able to reproduce the issue you are showing in my sample. Can you try to modify my sample and reproduce this issue so I can investigate it further?
Looking forward to your reply and sample provided.