Hi, be able to double click on a cell in a row in a grid, get the information from that row, then use that information to do something else.
For instance, if I have a row with football teams that won the World Cup by year in a list, I want to be able to double click on a row and say view the team members for that year.
Team Year
Brazil 1967
I want to be able to read the values from the row ("Brazil" and "1967") and use it to query some other database.
I tried a couple of ideas but got lost.
To make this clearer.
I have an application with an igxGrid as mentioned above. When a user double-clicks on a row, I want to collect the data for that row (all the columns) and use it to display a graph. I can't figure out how to do that. I tried
pickLine(evt) { const cell = evt.cell; alert(cell.row.index);}
The index works, but when i use cell.row.rowData it doesn't.