It looks like the igx-form-group__input--search requires another stylesheet imported somewhere, but I'm not finding a reference to make it work in like in stackblitzMine:
I'm sure it's a simple fix. I just can't see what I'm missing.
Hello Daniel,
Thank you for contacting us.
Here you can see all you have to import to have the styles running: (the first three lines of code).
If this does not help, please share whether you have any errors in the console. Finally you could send us a working sample demonstrating your issue so we could further investigate.
I am looking forward to hearing from you.
Hi.Thanks for the response.As a matter of fact, those 3 lines of code are present in my styles.scssHere's the link to the file. Feel free to peruse around the repo as well:
Here's the gh-pages
No console errors.