Should we be worried about the health of Infragistics? In prior years a Vol 2 release would be imminent about now, but we've not even see a Vol 1 release yet! Other than perhaps the Windows Phone stuff, It doesn't look like anything has been updated this year. Has there been a reduction in staff, or just a major shift of resources away from the NetAdvantage products onto something else?
The Windows Forms roadmap seems pretty thin this year too, but perhaps that reflects industry trends...
We have arrived!
Thank you!
I agree Graham. I've been there too many times. I really doubt that our nagging will get it out any sooner.
I felt like Jason did a good job of answering my original question about the weak 2011 road map, and they have been updating us pretty well about the final steps of this release.
But having said that, I think RAlaxander hit on another important point yesterday that has not been addressed:
I'm as patient as the next guy but this is getting to a ridiculous level. Our subscription is losing value every month that goes by. Remember when we were getting a 3 releases a year.
I would agree. Its hard to plan without any solid dates or kept promises.
Are we there yet? =)
Come on guys/girls before we get too annoyed, who amongst us hasn't missed a planned release date/ deadline due to the late discovery of a bug? Anyone who can honestly answer that they haven't and want a new job - contact me.
I know it's late but personally would prefer the release to be stable and bug-free (as far as possible) and late rather than on-time but buggy and unstable.