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Re: Documentation

jsalzman said:

<snip> I also know how to read help files to get answers to questions about an API. However, the only help available for for these products (short of paying more for training) is difficult to follow.  <snip>  WHAT'S SO HARD ABOUT WRITING A WALKTHROUGH TO COVER THE FINER DETAILS!?!?!  <snip>


 This is the understatement of the year.  Just now I was investigating a problem I've been having.  Here is the "example" in supplied in the "local help" for the RenderHtmlAtIndex method:

"For example, if Contol will write "hello" at (index==0) and return "first", Control will write "privet" at (index==1) and return "second" Control will return null at (index==2), then the doResponse on client will have following array of strings: ["first","hello","second","privet"]" 

... What?  Infragistics, please, at least proofread your stuff.  This isn't even a sentence, and has a number of spelling and grammar errors.  This stuff is hard enough to understand without having to decypher poor English.

  • 1912
    Verified Answer
    I've forwarded on your issue with the RenderHtmlAtIndex method to the documentation team for correction.  Anytime you find something like this you can click the e-mail link at the bottom of the topic and the topic subject will be captured and you can add your comments.It's unfortunate that the triple slash comments in the API's will contain a large number of poorly written material by our developers for some time.  They are great developers but sometimes make mistakes when writing material other than code.Fortunately, we've finally been able to hire an additional person in our documentation department whose sole responsibility will be to review and rewrite the ASP.NET API's.  As you can imagine this is a large and daunting task.

    So, while I can understand how valuable your time is, anytime you come across a problem in the docs, your help in bringing it to our attention will assist us to resolve the most glaring errors as quickly as possible.

    Thank you.


  • 1467
    posted in reply to Tim Hitchings
    What about the WinForms APIs? They have the same problems.
    I've forwarded on your issue with the RenderHtmlAtIndex method to the documentation team for correction.  Anytime you find something like this you can click the e-mail link at the bottom of the topic and the topic subject will be captured and you can add your comments.It's unfortunate that the triple slash comments in the API's will contain a large number of poorly written material by our developers for some time.  They are great developers but sometimes make mistakes when writing material other than code.Fortunately, we've finally been able to hire an additional person in our documentation department whose sole responsibility will be to review and rewrite the ASP.NET API's.  As you can imagine this is a large and daunting task.

    So, while I can understand how valuable your time is, anytime you come across a problem in the docs, your help in bringing it to our attention will assist us to resolve the most glaring errors as quickly as possible.

    Thank you.


    Tim Hitchings
    Director of the Program Office
    and Technical Communications
