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training video doesn't match current version

I purchased the Infragistics product and also the training. I've watched the videos up to the point of the first real lesson, that on the UltraWebListBar. The videos are all dealing with a product several versions earlier, but I understand that not everything can be updated for every release. I'm stalled now, though. What I see in my Visual Studio 2005 design view doesn't come close to matching what I see in the video. I created two groups, and the caption displayed on the second one is always "Item 1" regardless of the setting I give it.

This is minor, though, compared to the real problem I'm having now. I tried to follow the video where the instructor right-clicked on the component to bring up a menu that included the option to edit the templates. The menu I get doesn't have any of the options shown in the video. This is a critical problem. I purchased the training so that I could get up to speed with the controls quickly. It's no good if the videos are so out of date with the controls that they're essentially useless. The menu I see is the same as the menu for a built-in control, except for the Quick Design and the About items.

I don't see anyplace to edit the templates, and searching your help for edit template did not return any results.

Did something just go wrong with the installation?

I need help - and I've paid for it.

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  • 2636
    Verified Answer

    Not sure what you mean by Edit Template as i have not seen the videos but Quick Design is where you want to be if you are using VS Design mode to do your layout.

    1. Go into QuickDesign
    2. Click Groups and Items
    3. On the right you will see a properties window
      click on the first icon and add group then add some items
      to the group.
    4. Click the item in question and on the right you will see
      the properties for that list item.

    If you are not adding items but rather using your own
    controls click on the "Group" then on the right set the
    UserControl property to your control.

