I've recently installed Visual Studio 2022 in my machine where I previously installed Visual Studio 2019 with Infragistics 2021.1.
What should I do to add Infragistics 2021.1 to my new Visual Studio 2022?
Anything new on this topic? Time is running, and as far as I can see there still is no extension for vs2022
up to the infragistic version 21.2 it only allows opening with the 4.8 framework backwards with vs2019, vs2022
Real bad infragistics, vs 2019 was given a warning for months that older extensions would not work anymore. So there was time enough to fix it/ :(
But how much will be waiting because we cant continue with our projects we need a solution.
Thank you for the update.
I confirm with the team, VS extension for 2022 is not supported (yet) with installer.
If you are looking for adding controls into VS2022 toolbox then they should be populated automatically in .netframwork application(checked winform app).
And controls will NOT auto-populate in .NET Core / .NET 5 / .NET 6. Need to be added the NuGet packages first.