An MVVM Friendly Property for the XamDataPresenter DoubleClick Event Brian Lagunas / Fri, Jun 1, 2012 If you are building a WPF application, chances are you are using the MVVM pattern. If you are using the MVVM pattern, I am sure you have discovered certain scenarios that become difficult to accomplish...
XamDataGrid Cell Adorner Framework Brian Lagunas / Thu, Mar 1, 2012 Quite some time ago, Josh Smith wrote a post on how to adorn the cells of the XamDataGrid. I like the concept, but wanted a better implementation that didn’t rely on events or initializing controls in...
Multi-Cell Editing with the XamDataGrid Brian Lagunas / Tue, Feb 28, 2012 Have you ever had the need to edit multiple cells with the same value? Well if you have, then this post is for you. I was cruising through the Infragistics forums today and saw a question about implementing...