Undercover Testability Killers Erik Dietrich / Wed, Sep 21, 2016 If you were to take a poll of software development shops and ask whether or not they unit tested, you’d get varied responses. Some would heartily say that they are, and some would sheepishly say that...
The Human Cost of Tech Debt Erik Dietrich / Wed, Jun 29, 2016 If you're not already familiar with the concept of technical debt , it's worth becoming familiar with it. I say this not only because it is a common industry term, but because it is an important concept...
Solve Small Problems Erik Dietrich / Mon, Mar 28, 2016 It's fun to think of great moments in the history of science, particularly the ones that have a memorable anecdote attached to them. In the 3rd century BC, a naked Archimedes ran down a city street...
It's OK not to lead Erik Dietrich / Thu, Mar 3, 2016 When I first entered the workforce, I was in awe of the programmers around me. I'd spent 4 years of college learning how to implement Alpha-Beta pruning and various flavors of sort(), while these guys...
Writing Tests doesn't have to be extra work Erik Dietrich / Wed, Feb 10, 2016 Writing automated tests is sort of like the kale of the software development community. With the exception of a few outlying "get off my lawn" types, there's near-universal agreement that it's "the right...
High stakes programming by coincidence Erik Dietrich / Fri, Jan 29, 2016 Have you ever found yourself running your code to test out some behavior when you noticed something unrelated and thought, "that's odd?" Maybe you wanted to verify that clicking "run" kicked off the process...
The SOLID principles in real life Erik Dietrich / Tue, Jan 26, 2016 Hopefully you're familiar with the SOLID principles , particularly if you program in object oriented languages. The wisdom contained therein (mostly) isn't limited to object oriented languages, but such...
The Wrong thing more Efficiently is still the wrong thing Erik Dietrich / Mon, Nov 23, 2015 Let's say that, like many folks, one of your first tasks each morning is dealing with your email. You arrive at the office, grab yourself a coffee, and settle in to complete this ubiquitous modern task...
BDD in .NET for Complete Initiates Erik Dietrich / Mon, Nov 9, 2015 It's pretty likely that you've heard of behavior-driven development, or BDD. Maybe it's just in the context of buzzword fatigue and wondering "how many different approaches to software have acronyms that...
Your Old Language Version is Costing You Money Erik Dietrich / Wed, Oct 14, 2015 Imagine that you walk into a company, and take a stroll through the software department. All around you, as far as the eye can see, developers toil away, staring into 17 inch CRT monitors. What would...