• WebDataGrid with RowSelector and text selection


    I'm relatively new to using the WebDataGrid and I would like to implement a certain behavior within my WebDataGrid.

    Let's say I have 2 columns, the first one being the RowSelector column and the second containing some text.

    Is it possible…

  • Re: WebDataGrid Row Height

    Hello raywhite , 

    I can see your concerns therefore I can suggest you just change the design by creating a new style for the cells as follows:

            tbody.thinRows > tr > td


                height: 5px;

                line-height: 3px;

                padding: 1px 1px 1px 1px;



  • WebDataGrid is not binding in WebDIalogWindow

    I have a webdatagrid in my page. I have added a context menu to it using WebDataMenu control. So when one of the options in context menu is selected, I want to show the details in WebDialogWindow using a WebDataGrid. In other words, I want to bind the…

  • WebDataGrid set_value()


    V11.1 setValue(text,false)

    I know if the second param is "false" can prevent webdatagrid clientevent(eg:celledit) in v11.1.

    I don't know what method can set value in cell but can prevent any webdatagrid clientevent in v14.1.

    Pls help…

  • Re: Function for searching and displaying data in Grid

    Hi Hans,

    The WebDataGrid has a Filtering behavior, which allows you to filter by any column - it's inherent functionality and part of WDG. If you want to filter some other data, and based on it change the contents of the WebDataGrid, you can use our…

  • WebDataGrid won't show when deployed

    I have a page with the WebDataGrid on it, and everything is fine when I run it from VS, but when I deploy it, the WebDataGrid does not load into the html code, any idea what I may be missing, do I need something extra on my machine.config or web.config…

  • Re: UltraWebGrid To WebDataGrid ...

    Hello legalke,
    “WebDataGrid” uses CSS classes for styling its elements.  You can change the color of the needed cell like this:
    <style type="text/css">
    tbody > tr > td.CellsStyle
  • Re: Client-side get selected value from WebDataGrid in WebDropDown template

    This will not work because the WebDropDown that contains the grid template is on a page.  It is loaded at run time and not in the html.  When this runs wwdLoanDef is nothing. 



    wddLoanDef = $find('wddLoanDef');

    But this will work…

  • Re: GridRecrodCollection to DataTable

    Hello Manoj,

    The WebDataGrid (and other AIKIDO Framework controls) use a different styling structure than the old controls, hence the CSS styling classes and images used are different. More information on styling your application may be found in our…

  • Re: Cell text getting truncated

    Hi Sharon,

    Thank you for posting in the community.

    In order to autosize the column width of your grid based on cell width, you can set the ItemCssClass of WebDataGrid. For instance:
