• WebDataGrid Returning Undefined using igtbl_getGridById

    Hello all,

    I have recently been expriencing a problem regarding my WebDataGrid returning as undefined when using the client-side igtbl_getGridById method, as shown below:

    var grid = igtbl_getGridById("<%= myWebDataGrid.ClientID %>");…

  • Webdatagrid, Filtering and ObjectDatasource - Need URGENT help.

    I have a webdatagrid which gets bind by the select method of objectdatasource when I click the label.

    My webdatagrid opens in a panel.

    Look at the code below for the bind of grid.

    ViewState["FromDay"] =…
  • Re: WebDataGrid 10.3 Edited Cell Null Behavior

    The UltraWebGrid correctly supported editing nullable decimal columns. It is a simply a bug that the WebDataGrid does not, given that the UltraWebGrid does. How are we supposed to migrate from the UltraWebGrid, which worked, to the WebDataGrid, which…

  • PageIndexChangedEventHandler: give error while upgrading from "UltraWebGrid" to "WebDataGrid"

    I am converting Infragistics 2010 v2 CLR3.5 to Infragistics 2014 v2 using 4.5 CLR using Visual Studio 2013 Professional Update 4. I am getting following error while building the project. Please reply immediately..........

    Below code is Old Infragistics…

  • deselect row in Webdatagrid on client side

    I have rowselection turned on in two webdatagrids.  I have two webdatagrids on the same page so that a user can select rows from both grids, then a command button that executes code to combine the selected rows from both datagrids into one row inside the…

  • RE: WebDataGrid with scrollbar, fixed header and rowadding

    Hello Andrea,
    After investigating this further, I determined that the WebDataGrid automatically displays a scrollbar when the rows cannot fit into the container. Additionally, the headers and the “addRow” row are fixed and displayed on scroll, this is…
  • Re: Display Pager explicitly

    Hi Jerry,

    Thank you for your reply.

    Regarding hiding and displaying the pager using BLOCKED SCRIPT you can use the following code to hide/display the pager div in WebDataGrid:


  • WebDataGrid in a Panel


    I have two Panels on my page.  Each contain a WebDataGrid.  I would like to press a button, and hide panel1 and display panel2.  Another button will hide panel2 and display panel1.

    When I do this on server-side, I receive a "Object reference not…

  • Huge WebDataGrid Performance issue - Help me please :)


    My context is this one:

    One asp.Net page.

    Component inside:

    One SQLDatasource

    One webDataGrid.

    I just use the SQLdatasource as my webdatagrid without doing anything else than setting the paging.

    I have 8000 rows in the table I want to…

  • WebDropDown Ajax Indicator


    I have a WebDropDown and a WebDataGrid on an aspx page I am developing on the .NET 3.5 platform in VS.NET 2010

    I followed the example at http://help.infragistics.com/NetAdvantage/ASPNET/2010.1/CLR3.5/ but I am not having any luck and it is making…