• Difference of set_value() and set_text()

    In a webdatagrid, what is the different of these two functions when a cell value is changed or edited?

  • Re: When AutoCRUD=false, get MissingRecordException for changed rows during Postback


    What's your DataSource?  When and how are you binding it to WebDataGrid?

  • Re: Ultrawebgrid filter drop list


    This is the default behavior for the Aikido Grids: the WebDataGrid and WebHierarchicalDataGrid.



  • How I can change row style from javascript in WebDataGrid?

    How I can change row style from javascript in WebDataGrid?

  • Refreshing WebDataGrid contents upon a button click and providing custom progress indicator.

    Refreshing WebDataGrid contents upon a button click and providing custom progress indicator.

  • Re: Requested record cannot be found by key


    I enabled the DataViewState  on the WebDataGrid and the issue was solved. Thanks for all the suggestions.

  • DatePickerProvider in a WebDataGrid is not opening.

    DatePickerProvider in a WebDataGrid is not opening.

    Here is the Code:

    <igtab:Tab Key="GroupMembers" Text="Group Members">
                                                                <asp:UpdatePanel ID="GroupMembersTabUpdatePanel" runat="server" UpdateMode="Conditional…

  • Adding Checkbox editor provider to wed data grid

    Is it possible to have a boolean field show up as a checkbox in a webdatagrid?

  • How do I define the default sort column?

    In a WebDataGrid, how to I define the default Sort column? (Visually, in a property.)

  • How to Add a Row for WebDataGrid from behind

    How to Add a Row for WebDataGrid from behind like UtralWebGrid:UtralWebGrid.Rows.Add();
