• DropDownList does not close after update the UpdatePanel


    I have a WebDataGrid in an UpdatePanel, the WebDataGrid countains a WebDropDown with the "AutoPostBackFlags.ValueChanged" attribute set to "On". The problem is that when I change the value of the WebDropDown using the direction buttons of the keyboard…

  • Copy Selected Rows to New WebDataGrid

    I am getting a collection of rows selected in a WebDataGrid with the following command:

    SelectedRowCollection src = this.WebDataGrid1.Behaviors.Selection.SelectedRows

    I would now like to use these records as a source of a new WebDataGrid.

    Is this possible…

  • Re: WebDataGrid with javascript

    Hello magamo,

    Here you can find the CSOM reference for the WebDataGrid - http://help.infragistics.com/NetAdvantage/ASPNET/2012.1/CLR4.0/?page=WebDataGrid~Infragistics.Web.UI.WebDataGrid_members.html. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact…

  • Export to excel with image columns

    Hi, I have a webdatagrid with column TemplateDataField with an image, but when I exported to excel the colum for image is the html code, How can I export the webdatagrid with images columns to excel?


  • WebDropDown to display in WebDataGrid cell

    Please can some one walk me through on how to get a WebDropDown to display in a WebDataGrid control cell. I should be able to select from the dropdown and have my selection updated into the WebDataGrid cell. Thank in anticipation

  • Re: "null" displaying in cell on editing and Inserting

    Hi Denis,

    I am migrating from UltrawebGrid to Webdatagrid. There are client events like  AfterRowActivateHandler, BeforeRowDeactivateHandler, BeforeEnterEditModeHandler,

    AfterCellUpdateHandler that are used in my UltrawebGrid  project.How and where can…

  • Re: WebDataGrid vs UltraWebGrid

    Hello mmfsl,

    WebDataGrid is a part of the new ASP.NET AJAX Controls
    UltraWebGrid is part of the old ASP.NET Classic controls

    It is recommened to use WebDataGrid, because UltraWebGrid will be retired soon

  • Re: Text of the Filters

    Hi fjVazquez,

    There are many forum posts about this in the WebDataGrid forum.  Those strings are taken from resource files.  So search under localize or localization in the WebDataGrid forum.  Here is one such set of posts.

    David Young 

  • Re: Setting Row Height

    Hi csnyder_ptb,

    try to change row height in ItemCssClass which is applied to every row:

    <ig:WebDataGrid ID="WebDataGrid1" runat="server" Height="350px" Width="1058px" ItemCssClass="rowHeight">
  • Re: Best way to upgrade from Infragistics ASP.NET version 10 to 11

    to Continue the question above. 

    There is new features in v.11 that 10.3 doesn't , like Unboundcheckbox on webdatagrid.

    Currently i am having a problem in WebDatagrid 10.3 where Checkbox always lost state during paging.