• webdropdown as editorprovider in webdatagrid

    How to use webdropdown as editorprovider in webdatagrid?I am aware dropdown of provider which is used as editor provider in webdatagrid but i want to use webdropdown since i want grid/table within webdropdown for editing.How to do this?

  • Webdatagrid how to enter edit mode after new row added

    I will click a button to add the new row to Webdatagrid, in the old version is using UltraWebGrid and there is a ClientSideEvents AfterRowInsertHandler, how can i do the same thing use Webdatagrid.

  • Re: Why grid try to reference images from non-existing folder?

    Hello Lewis,

    Thank you for contacting Infragistics!

    I have a few questions concerning this matter:

    What version are you using?
    What style are you using for the WebDataGrid?
    Are you using any Infragistics controls in addition to the WebDataGrid?

  • Re: Web Data Grid Dynamic Data Binding ( when column names are unknown)

    Hi Ivanov

       i am new to Infragistics controls. Can you show me how to create a dynamic webDataGrid and insert data in webDataGrid's columns and rowss using code behind. Thanks in advance!

  • Re: WebDataGrid with RowEditTemplate as UserControl

    Please refer this also:


    Even in…

  • Re: Input string was not in correct format error


        in my webform WebDataGrid and WebExplorerBar and WebDropdown all are on same page.

    First select an item from a explorerbar item list, and then select a row from webdatagrid.

    now error will come. check it.

  • WebDataGrid Text Property


    The UltraWinGrid has a text property that displays text at the top of the grid. Is there a similar feature for the WebDataGrid? I would like to display text at the top of a WebDataGrid from code behind.


  • Add Link To WebDataGrid Client Side

    Is it possible to add a hyperlink to a WebDataGrid client side?  Presently I'm databinding to the WebDataGrid on the client side but I would like to convert one of those fields to a hyperlink.  Any help would be appreciated

  • webdatagrid sort problem

    i put a webdatagrid control  and a button in updatepanel, when the button is clicked , the data with filled in webdatagrid, then the column sort can not fire, i think it is a bug,

    anyone can help me ?