• problems in webdatagrid

    Hi ,

    I have one webdataGrid and UltrawebTree controls in my Page.  I have two nodes in Ultrawebtree control. Based on the node selection i have to bind the grid and i am dynamically binding the WebDataGrid columns. first time if i click the node…

  • Nested WebDataGrids

    We would like to use a webdatagrid to represent a collection of data.

    For each row in this webdatagrid, there will be two columns that will represent a sub-collection of data, which could have multiple rows.

    Equate it to a row will be a certain parcel…

  • RE: Databound Multi Column dropdown in WebDataGrid

    Hello David,

    In order to display multi-column dropdown inside the WebDataGrid, what I can suggest you is using DropDownProvider as an editor component and inside its ItemTemplate to place a WebDataGrid. Since the WebDataGrid inside the ItemTemplate is…

  • Webdatagrid - webpage alert pop up - issue


    Migrating to version 13.1.20131.1012 from 7.3.

    Need your inputs on this scenario.

    I have a page which has two webdatagrids, on clicking save button, opens up a page which has one webdatagrid. 

    And again, on clicking save button on this page, webpage…

  • WebDataGrid

    i'm using a control WEdataGrid ASp.NET Ajax i need a sample in visual basic.net for a get the value of a a cell in teh rowselection

    thank's everybody

  • WebDataGrid

    HI Guys,

        I am using the webdatagrid version 2011.2,  We use the entityframework as our datalayer and I am having issues with the paging.

    I use an entityDataSource control on the page to access the framework.  It appears that the webdatagrid doesnt support…

  • WebDataGrid


    I am using the WebDataGrid with all the Virtual Scrolling & Paging enabled but I cannot see way to tell the control how many data records (IList) that I have in my data source (could be up to 10,000) without initially reading all the data from my…

  • WebDataGrid

    We have a page with a web data grid using the Office 2007 styling, we are currently trying to conditional format the row color either background or text, based on a filed value, If value in cell a = Y then green else red.

    Can someone point to an example…

  • Webdatagrid

    Hello how to bind webdatagrid to sql during    clientside(with javascript) event using webservice?

    tHanks in Advance

  • WebDataGrid

    How to sort using SortingMode as single. We don't want just on one column. IF we click on column 1 we should be able to sort on that column. If we click on column 2 we should be able to sort on that column.

    Another thing is how to disable sorting…