In our case we are loading the node details when user click on the root node which we have only one root node so scroll node into view calculation will not work. May be pixels level we need to bring the found node in the middle of the view
passing the node details into ScrollNodeIntoView will not bring the found node into the view because the found node might be the last item on that tree
calculate how many pixels should we scroll
get selected node display TRect object details DR
get XamDataTree client TRect object details CR
calculate scroll pixel lines using formula ScrollPx = - Round((CR.Bottom / 2) - DR.Top - ((DR.Bottom - DR.Top) / 2));
how many lines does it correspond to
ScrollLines := ScrollPx div XamDataTree_GetItemHeight(XamDataTree1.Handle);
check ScrollLines > 0 inside loop pass WM_VSCROLL perform linedown for each line
check ScrollLines < 0 inside loop pass WM_VSCROLL perform lineup for each line