Currently purple color is the only accent color. That will be great to be able to set a custom color as accent color in Infragistics Theming (or at least some default values like "orange", "blue", green").
However the way that the brushes are applied is problematic. An example is the datagrid. Changing the solidColorBrush for the key should be easy but....The problem is that the theme is loading DataPresenterRoyalDark_Express.xaml, which has its brush keys defined locally, and is in turn loading DataPresenterRoyalDark_Brushes.xaml. So anything you do appears to be overwritten by the styles they have defined in DataPresenterRoyalDark_Express.xaml.
I believe this won't be a problem if theming was appropriately applied throughout the controls. This should be easily implemented through the use of the resource dictionary to load the colors based on the keys. like: <SolidColorBrush x:Key="{ComponentResourceKey TypeInTargetAssembly={x:Type igEditors:XamTextEditor}, ResourceId=EditorsFocusBorderBrush}" PresentationOptions:Freeze="true" Color="{StaticResource Color_013}" />.
I also would like to have a "WPF Theme Generotor". DarkMetroTheme is not working with the resource washer, it produces bad colors (by design)!
Please note that a solution could be to have a "WPF Theme Generator" like others UI components providers.
Hi Brian,
I'm not talking about RibbonWindow in particular. But more generally for all the components.
By accent color I mean the "#58358B" used by RoyalLightTheme and RoyalDarkTheme (please find an example below). That should be great to have an easy way to replace the default "purple" color by a blue (like Visual Studio) or orange, green and more.
As I said I think the best way would be to provide a tool that allows Infragistics's customers to build their own theme (be able to define the colors on a palette and to see the results in live preview).