I am evaluating the ultimate suite using a trial version . Ihave created a sample App using AppMap (replicated the one on video).
Everything works fine except the Exception Thrown when exiting the app and it is consistent even on new apps. any idea what causes it ?
btw, there is no indication where this is happening : An unhandled exception occured. occurred.
Hi Karl
thank you for the project. will try it right away and let you know.
my android sdk is updated to 26 (Nougat 7.1) and i am using it to compile other apps .
i have read already the blog you sent me. i am not putting in doubt what you told me but was simply wondering why when creating a project using the VS templates provided by Prism the crash does not happen even though the libraries are the same. but there are few differences in the way base classes are written ... it's maybe worth looking in that direction.
Thank you.
You can read these links about the Hardware Back Button crashes for Mater Detail:
I have attached a AppMap created app that uses Master Detail and does not crash. I did nothing special.
Make sure you:
1. Update your Android SDK to level 25
2. Create a new AppMap project, add Master Detail as your main page
3. Use NuGet Package Manager and update ALL NuGet packages
4. Build and run on Android emulator
Mine is not crashing now according to the above bug.
you're right
1 - AppMap generated App creashes and not AppMap
2 - No, my mainpage is not a MasterDetail, it's a ContentPage
3 - Yes, i am using the hardware backButton to exit. it crashes
- when in Debug mode on both emulator and device
- only on emulator when not debugging
4 - One page only app does not crash. it appears that it's related to the MasterDetails as you said.
if the hardware button exit is part of the issue, is there a workaround to it until the issue is fixed ?
just as curiosity , why does the problem not happen with the masterdetails form when using the prismlibrary templates whic is the same framework used by AppMapp ? it looks like the issue is coming from the the way baseviewmodel is wiring the navigation service.
thank you for your assistance.
Souheil C,
Is the AppMap crashing or is your application crashing?
How are you exiting the application?
Is your Main Page a Master Detail? If so, are you using the Android back button to exit the app using the emulator or Android device? If so, this is a known Xamarin issue on Android.
Can you please use the AppMap to create an app with a single content page and see if you get the same crash.