I tried to do this
<Custom:XamTreeGrid.FieldLayoutSettings> <Custom:FieldLayoutSettings AllowAddNew="True" AddNewRecordLocation="OnBottom"></Custom:FieldLayoutSettings> </Custom:XamTreeGrid.FieldLayoutSettings>
but I can't see the usual new record row being available for me to start inserting items into the TreeGrid.
Can you pls confirm this is supported?
Hello Zhu,
Thank you for your post.
I have been looking into it the functionality the you are trying to achieve. It seems that currently the best approach to add new records in XamTreeGrid is by using your data source collection. As I mentioned in my previous post currently XamTreeGrid does not provide build-in the functionality that you are looking for.
Please let me know if you require any further assistance on the matter.
thanks for your sample. I can see you are trying to insert the items from the data collection bound to the TreeGrid. This can work, but then if I want to manipulate the TreeGrid to shift focus onto the new row, or expand the current row, it will be extremely difficult I believe.
is there a way to add new record to current level and sub level via DataPresenter apis, such as RecordManager, Record, etc programmatically in the KeyDown event?
Thank you for your feedback.
I have been looking into your post. As I mentioned in my previous post currently XamTreeGrid does not have a build-in this functionality. If you want you can try to handle the KeyDown event of XamTreeGrid and in the event handler you can get the index of the current selected record by ActiveRecord property of XamTreeGrid. In order to insert empty record you should create your properties from your data to be Nullable. Once you got the selected record you can create empty object and insert it at the position after current selected record in your DataSource collection by using its Insert method. This behavior would not be correct if you perform some sorting or filtering operations. What I can suggest in order to be able to use the built-in AddNew functionality is to use our XamDataGrid control instead of XamTreeGrid, so you will be able to add new records into it at the level you want. You can read more details about it from the following links:
I created short sample application based on your scenario for XamTreeGrid in order to be able to show you how you can implement this approach, it can be used as a guideline for implementing the functionality that you are looking for.
Please let me know if you need any further assistance on the matter.
I am just checking if you can assist further on the matter.
I see. I'm a little disappointed. I have logged a new idea for this just now.
in the meantime, do you have any sample code that would insert an empty new row after the selected row with shortcut Ins, and insert a child new row at the selected row with shortcut ctrl-Ins? The use case I have is I need to bind to object model and creating new row would insert the record to the data source too.