We are using the XamDockManager to display screens, and we are running into an issue with initial loading/rendering of the panes. For example, we have some content that takes a few seconds to load/render, and when we display this content in a floating pane using the XamDockManager the floating window initially becomes visible displaying no content (because the content is still rendering). After a few moments the content loads and becomes visible. This initial blank screen doesn't look good, we would like the window to not appear until the content has loaded.
Why does the floating window become visible before the content is rendered? In the XamDockManager code is the window being displayed before the content is assigned? We are currently using version 2013.1.
Any help would be appreciated.
We are xamDataTree inside content pane when we hover over unpinned tab, sometimes content (xamDataTree) is not visible.
Hello Sammer,
I assisted you with unpinned scenario on the forums here:
Please let me know if I may be of further assistance or if this case may be closed.
Sincerely, ZhivkoEntry Level Software Developer