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XAMDatachart doesnt support null PropertyChangedEventArgs

I am using the XamDataChart and have an option that implements INotifyPropertyChanged.  I noticed the updates wen't being handled when i would send PropertyChangedEventArgs with string.Empty, and it would crash if I passed null.  This is supposed to notify that everything changed(which is what I want).  To get around this I have to send the PropertyChanged event several times (once for each property, which I have about 20) even though they are all changed at once.

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  • 34690
    Offline posted

    Hello John,

    Thank you for your post!

    I have been investigating this issue that you are describing, and I have reproduced both the no-UI-update behavior as well as the crash with null being passed into the PropertyChangedEventArgs. I believe that these behaviors fall under a development issue, and so I have asked our engineering staff to examine this further. I have logged this behavior in our internal tracking system with a development ID of 193518. As a workaround to this, I would recommend that you continue to use the OnPropertyChanged() calls within the individual properties of your data item until we have a resolution for you on this matter.

    I have also created a private case for you so that you can track the progress of this development issue. The case number is CAS-155114-X7J0Y3. You can access it here:

    Please let me know if you have any other questions or concerns on this matter.

    Associate Developer
    Infragistics Inc.

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