I am using a XamRichTextEditor and a ListView whose items are draggable. I would like to insert a string in the document when the user drops an element on the XamRichTextEditor. For that, i use the DragSource and DropTarget elements from the Infragistics framework.
In the DragSource.Drop event handler, I can use the GetPosition() method on the DropEventArgs to get the Point where the Drop occured (relative to the XamRichTextEditor). My problem is that i can't find a way to get a DocumentOffset or a TextPosition or a TextRange for this Point that I could use to insert the text in the right place inside the document.
Is there a way to acheive this ?
Note: the WinRT native ITextDocument has a GetRangeFromPoint method that does just that and works perfectly.
Note 2: The WPF native RichTextBox has a GetPositionFromPoint method that does just that and also works perfectly. Unfortunatly I can't use the native RichTextBox control because its support for some advanced Rtf formatting options is not good enough for what i want to achieve and the XamRichTextEditor seems to handle them better.
Thank you for your help.
Thank you for your post!
I have been looking into it. There is an AggregateOffsetCount property of the RichTextDocument of the XamRichTextEditor. More about this property you can find on the following link from our documentatio: http://help.infragistics.com/Help/Doc/WPF/2014.2/CLR4.0/html/InfragisticsWPF4.Documents.RichTextDocument.v14.2~Infragistics.Documents.RichText.RichTextDocument_members.html.
There are also InsertText method, that would insert a text at a specified document offset, that you can use too. Again more about the method you can find on the above link.
Please do not hesitate to let me know if you have any further questions on this matter.
Thank you for your answer. The InsertText method takes a document offset as its first parameter and that is precisely my problem. I need a way to get from a Point object to a document offset (int) that corresponds to the text at these coordinates in the document displayed.
For example, i would like to get the offset that corresponds to the Point whose coordinates are (X:5 ; Y:17).
Thank you for your help
After working on the functionality that you are trying to achieve and doing some research, the ability to find the data offset from a point has been determined to be a new product idea. You can suggest new Product Ideas for future versions (or vote for existing ones) at http://ideas.infragistics.com.
Steps to create your idea:
Log into the Infragistics Product Ideas site at http://ideas.infragistics.com (creating a new login if needed).
Navigate to the product / platform channel of your choice (e.g. WPF, Windows Forms, ASP.NET, HTML5 / Ignite UI, iOS / NucliOS, etc.)
Add your product idea and be sure to be specific and provide as much detail as possible.
Explain the context in which a feature would be used, why it is needed, why it can’t be accomplished today, and who would benefit from it. You can even add screenshots to build a stronger case. Remember that for your suggestion to be successful, you need other members of the community to vote for it. Be convincing!
[CASE: “Reference case [case number], FORUMS: “Include a link to this thread”] in your idea so product management will be able to look back at this case.
The benefits of submitting the product idea yourself include:
Direct communication with our product management team regarding your product idea.
Notifications whenever new information regarding your idea becomes available.
Additional benefits of the Product Idea system include:
Ability to vote on your favorite product ideas to let us know which ones are the most important to you. You will have ten votes for this and can change which ideas you are voting for at any time.
Allow you to shape the future of our products by requesting new controls and products altogether.
You and other developers can discuss existing product ideas with members of our Product Management team.
The product ideas site allows you to track the progress of your ideas at any time, see how many votes it got, read comments from other developers in the community, and see if someone from the product team has additional questions for you.
Thank you for contacting Infragistics.
I am just checking if you have any further questions on this matter. Please do not hesitate to let me know if you do.
Hi jjh,
I created a private support case for you so that we can discuss your request for a private build. The details have been provided in the case.
The case number is CAS-158096-G0V9L4 and you can view it here.
Thank you very much for taking the time to implement this. The ETA is very much apreciated.
One last question : do you give access to beta builds if we want to test the functionalities being developed ?
Again, thank you for your time.
Hi -
Thanks for bringing this to our attention. This feature has now been scheduled and will be available in the next Service Release which is scheduled to be available on September 11.
It's been nearly 3 months since i've submited this request. Do you have more information ?
Thank you for your time.
Hello jjh,
I have been looking into your question and into the link for the idea. Currently our developers are reviewing this idea. When there is a change in the status of the idea, you would receive a notification for that change.