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databinding dataset to XamDataTree

I am trying to bind an sqlce data set to a XamDataTree based on WPF > Style > Theming example provided in the Samples Browser for infragistics 12.2

I would like the parent node to the contain 2 columns as in the example.  The fields used would be Assessment Date and AssessedBy.

The child node would be DatePrescribed.

How do i bind my datasource (shown below) to the xamdatatree as i am struggling with the examples i have found in the forums.  I am using VB.

Public Shared Function GetClientAssProgHistory(ByVal clientid As Integer) As DataSet

' Initialize DataSet and name it
Dim myDataSet As New DataSet("myDataSet")

'create the sql connection to the database
Dim con As SqlCeConnection = New SqlCeConnection(My.Settings.myCompactDBConnectionString1)

'define the query
Dim sqlquery As String
sqlquery = "select AssessmentDate, AssessedBy, PresentProblems, DatePrescribed" & _
" from DClientAssessment ca left outer join DClientProgrammeHistory ph on ca.DClientAssessmentID = ph.DClientAssessmentID" & _
" left outer join dclientmaster c on ca.clientid = c.clientid " & _
" where c.clientid = '" & clientid & "'" & _
" order by AssessmentDate desc, DatePrescribed desc"

'define the sql commend
Dim cmd As New SqlCeCommand(sqlquery, con)

' Initialize the SqlDataAdapter
Dim daclienthistory As New SqlCeDataAdapter(cmd)

' Fill the DataSet
daclienthistory.Fill(myDataSet, "ClientHistory")

Catch ex As SqlCeException
' Catch and display any exceptions that may occur
End Try

Return myDataSet
End Function

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    I am just checking the progress of this issue and was wondering if you managed to achieve your goal or if you need any further assistance on the matter.

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