I have solved it so:
CellValuePresenter cvp1;
foreach (DataRecord record in _myView.MyTable.RecordManager.Unsorted){for (int iWeek = 1; iWeek <= 53; ++iWeek)
{ coolumnValue = string.Format("Cell{0}", iWeek);
if (record.Cells[coolumnValue].Value == null) { continue;}
columnType = string.Format("CellType{0}", iWeek); cvp1 = CellValuePresenter.FromCell(record.Cells[coolumnValue]); if ((int)record.Cells[columnType].Value == 8) { if (cvp1 != null) cvp1.Background = Brushes.LightSalmon; }
Thank you for your post. I have been looking into it and I can suggest you see this blog about conditional formatting:
Please let me know if this helps you or you have further questions on this matter.
Looking forward for your reply.