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Button in each row in the last column in xamdatagrid
I am trying to create a xamdatagrid with one button in each row. I have included a DelegateCommand instance into my data source and binded the data source to the grid. However, in the view I want to show a button in that column which is bound to the CanExecute and Execute commands of the delegateCommand present in my dataSource. Also alternatively, I tried creating a single Delagte Command in my view model without making it a part of my dataSource. I then created an unbound field in my xamdatagrid created a button in that unbound field. this button I bound it to the delegateCommand in the view model. On clicking this button some action takes place on the row where the button is and then the button gets disabled. It works fine for the first time but on changing selection in the grid the button gets enabled and some other button in some other row gets disabled. I am not sure why this is happening. It would be helpful if you could post something with a button in each row supposed to act on that partcicular DataRecord. Thanks in advance.