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ig:Field/UnboundField Binding not updating for PropertyDescriptor


we have an issue with the update of ig:Field and UnboundField. We extend our classes with PropertyDescriptors. Setting and getting works without problems, but the update does not work properly. Debugging showed that that the Fields/UnboundFields never call the PropertyDescriptor.AddValueChanged(..) Method.

We could work around this problem by always using:

<igWpf:UnboundField Binding={Binding Value} /> <!-- this works -->

But using the other ones does not:

<igWpf:UnboundField BindingPath="Value" /> <!-- this does NOT work -->

<igWpf:Field Name="Value" /> <!-- this does NOT work -->

It seems the binding is not properly set up when using the 'normal' ig syntax..

Just wanted to put this out there, in case anyone else stumbles upon this issue.

Best regards,

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  • 138253
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    Thank you for your feedback. I believe that other community members may benefit from this as well.

    Thanks again.

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