Is there any possibility of Binding a collection of objects to XamDataChart series (LineSeries in general and ScatterSeries to be specific), which draws all series on chart and we don't have to define individual series separately? I actually can have undefined number of series and I don't want to generate series from Code side.
What are different possibilities in this scenario? Any help?
If its part of DataTemple how to handle?
I have TileManager having ItemeTemplate InfragisticChart which has variable ScatterSeries.I have used the code.I get error
SeriesType type = (SeriesType)seriesSource.GetType().GetProperty(TypePath).GetValue(seriesSource, null);
TypePath null exception.
<ig:XamTileManager TileCloseAction="RemoveItem" Grid.Row="0" Name="XamTileManager1" Margin="10,0,0,0" HeaderPath="Name" ItemsSource="{Binding Spectrums}" >
<ig:XamTileManager.NormalModeSettings> <ig:NormalModeSettings AllowTileDragging="Swap" AllowTileSizing="Individual" HorizontalTileAreaAlignment="Stretch" ShowAllTiles="True" TileLayoutOrder="UseExplicitRowColumnOnTile" VerticalTileAreaAlignment="Stretch" /> </ig:XamTileManager.NormalModeSettings> <ig:XamTileManager.MaximizedModeSettings>
<ig:MaximizedModeSettings AllowTileDragging="Slide" HorizontalTileAreaAlignment="Stretch" MaximizedTileLocation="Left" MinimizedTileExpandButtonVisibility="Visible" MinimizedTileExpansionMode="AllowOne" ShowAllMinimizedTiles="True" ShowTileAreaSplitter="True" VerticalTileAreaAlignment="Stretch" > </ig:MaximizedModeSettings> </ig:XamTileManager.MaximizedModeSettings>
<!--Start of the normal item template--> <ig:XamTileManager.ItemTemplate> <DataTemplate> <ig:XamDataChart x:Name="MainPlot" Background="White" PlotAreaMargin="5" DefaultAxisStroke="Black" DefaultInteraction="DragZoom" FontWeight="Normal" Foreground="Black" HorizontalZoomable="True" TitleHorizontalAlignment="Center" VerticalZoomable="True"> <local:SeriesBinderBehavior.SeriesBinder> <local:SeriesBinderInfo ItemsSourcePath="Source" XMemberPath="XPath" YMemberPath="YPath" TypePath="Type" SeriesSource="{Binding SeriesSource}"/> </local:SeriesBinderBehavior.SeriesBinder> </ig:XamDataChart> </DataTemplate> </ig:XamTileManager.ItemTemplate> <!--End of the maximized template--> </ig:XamTileManager>
Thanks Stefan its solved my problem.
You can set the StackedColumnSeries' UseDefaultToolTip Property to true, but it won't look exactly like you want. This is why I suggested you follow the approach from this forum thread:
where it is explained how to create a custom tooltip.
Hello Stefan,
Thanks for support, I know very well how to handle events in MVVM, I was solved the legend title issue through LegendItemTemplate, and its look good i need only tooltip of every auto generated series, i didn't find any solution of auto generated series tooltip I was attached the modified sample with snapshot (red circled tooltip) in sample project folder, can you modified my attached sample with tooltip that i was shown in snapshot ? modified sample is really very helpful for me.
I attached the sample to this post. Also here:
you can see how handle events in MVVM way, so you can use the approach from the forum I suggested you.