Hello. I have a xamdockmanager with several SplitPanes and one ContentPane per SplitPane. I need to fire an event when a user clicks on the header of the ContentPane. This is how I'm assuming you would do this:
<igWPF:XamDockManager LayoutMode="FillContainer" Background="LightBlue" >
<igWPF:SplitPane Name="HendaySplitPane">
<i:Interaction.Triggers> <i:EventTrigger EventName="MouseEnter" > <mvvmlight:EventToCommand Command="{Binding OnHendayPaneFocusCommand}" PassEventArgsToCommand="True" /> </i:EventTrigger> </i:Interaction.Triggers>
content pane stuff
</igWPF:ContentPane> </igWPF:SplitPane>
</igWPF:XamDockManager.Panes> </igWPF:XamDockManager>
For EventName I've tried GotFocus, MouseLeftButtonUp along with several others but the event never fires. How can I set this up? Also ideally I would like to put Interaction.Triggers at the xamdockmanager level and have it pass the name of the content pane that got the focus. Thanks
Thanks for the reply and for the sample project. I need to know when a pane has focus so I can updated some data. Yes, the ActivePaneChanged event is what I was looking for.
Hi Kris,
I've tried using that trigger on my own SplitPanes and the event is firing as I'd expect. I have attached a sample just to demonstrate this.
What is your exact requirement though? Do you require notification when the user clicks on a ContentPane or do you just need to know if the pane has just been focused? The difference between these are that clicking on the pane will constantly fire the event even though it's already focused versus only firing the one time of initial focus. If you just require one notification of initial focus then the XamDockManager's ActivePaneChanged event is much more appropriate for this.