I am using xamPivotGrid. The scenario is that the cubeMetaData and dimensionMetaData are all defined for the Pivot I am using. DataTypeFulName and rows and columns are also fixed.
The Grid doesnt show All Total ans SubTotals. How can I achieve this?
Pardon me if this is a very basic question.
Hello Ritika and thank you for posting!
Would you please let me know what the type of data you are using is? By default the total rows and columns are displayed in the grid unless their IsVisible property is set to false. You may refer to the following forum threads for additional information about the totals in XamPivotGrid: http://es.infragistics.com/community/forums/t/71959.aspx http://es.infragistics.com/community/forums/t/67635.aspx Please feel free to let me know if I have misunderstood you or if you have any other questions regarding the same.
Hi Maria,
Thank you for your help, the documentation was helpful.
I found my solution on http://es.infragistics.com/forums/t/47783.aspx
Hello Ritika,
I believe that the following page in our documentation will be helpful for you: http://help.infragistics.com/Help/Doc/WPF/2014.1/CLR4.0/html/xamPivotGrid_US_Expanding_Hierarchies_In_Runtime_From_Code.html. It describes two approaches that could be used to expand the hierarchies and it seems that the second one will be helpful for you.
I need the Same pivot grid to be expanded at load time itself. Please help!
Thank you for your feedback Ritika. I am glad that the issue is resolved and I believe that this forum thread could be useful for other community members too.
Thank You for the help :)