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Capture SelectedDataItems from dataGrid and use them to populate another viewModel

Hi, So I have a datagrid, bound to BindingList<Instrument> from my viewmodel like so:



<igWPF:XamDataGrid Name="SecurityBlotterGrid"


  DataSource="{Binding InstrumentList}"


  SelectedDataItems ="{Binding selectedInstrumentList, Mode=TwoWay}"

SelectedDataItemsScope ="RecordsOnly">


<Style TargetType="{x:Type igWPF:CellValuePresenter}">

<Setter Property="BorderThickness" Value="0,0,1,1"/>

<Setter Property="BorderBrush" Value="Transparent"/>

<Setter Property="BorderHoverBrush" Value="Transparent"/>




<igWPF:FieldLayoutSettings AllowClipboardOperations="All"









<igWPF:FieldSettings AllowRecordFiltering="True"

AllowSummaries="true" SummaryUIType="MultiSelect"




<igWPF:FieldLayout IsDefault="True">



and then closing tags for all.



Now, the grid populates just fine, but what I need to be able to do is have the user select one ore more records from the grid, and use those records to determine the data that shows up on a completely different viewModel.


The cleanest way I thought to achieve this was to use the part that says SelectedDataItems={Binding selectedInstrumentList, mode=TwoWay}"


and of course I have a selectedInstrumentList in my viewmodel of type BindingList<Instrument>


yet when I try to do this:

selectedInstrumentList.ListChanged += new ListChangedEventHandler(selectedInstrumentList_ListChanged);


the ListChangedEvent never occurs.



Next I tried capturing it from the codebehind which is kind of sloppy, but I want to get it done:

SecurityBlotterGrid.SelectedItemsChanged += new EventHandler<Infragistics.Windows.DataPresenter.Events.SelectedItemsChangedEventArgs>(SecurityBlotterGrid_SelectedItemsChanged);


void SecurityBlotterGrid_SelectedItemsChanged(object sender, Infragistics.Windows.DataPresenter.Events.SelectedItemsChangedEventArgs e)



var grid = (XamDataGrid)sender;


var instrumentArray = grid.SelectedDataItems;


if (instrumentArray != null)



var tempBinding = new BindingList<InstrumentSummary>();



foreach (var instrument in instrumentArray)









but grid.SelectedDataItems seems to always have the previous selected item, not the one(s) i'm currently trying to select.  Furthermore I have to do viewModel.selectedInstrumentList.Add((InstrumentSummary)instrument) one-at-a-time because if I try to do it en masse, the listchanged event doesn't fire on the viewmodel. 


can you please explain to me what I am doing wrong?
