1. How can I change the display Text in xamComboEditor by multi selection ?
Example from test1,test2,test3 where test1,test2,test3 are selectedItems to
display test1/test2/test3 ('/' in place of ',').
The EmptyText property is just for the case where nothing is selected, i suppose there
is another property for displaying the Text but it is private ?
2. How can sort those elements ?
Example if someone selects first test3 then test2 and test1, the display text will be
test3,test2,test1, but i want them to be sorted test1,test2,test3.
3. What is the best way to bind to SelectedItems ? I know that the SelectedItems collection
changes when I select some object in the control, but how can I for example set the SelectedItems property
from my ViewModel ? I need this because I get the List of Objects from my Database and I need to set the SelectedItems from
my ViewModel ?
I am just checking if you require any further assistance on the matter.